How Do Baird’s Planners Plan?
Want to start 2024 off on the right foot? We spoke with Baird’s planning experts for their best early-year tips.

Jim Guckenberg, Estate Planner
“Check in on your estate plan. Ensuring your assets are properly titled and beneficiary designations are up-to-date can bring peace of mind for the coming year.”

Alex Sanzone, Manager of Financial Planning
“Did you recently get married or divorced? Are you anticipating a large tax refund? If so, it might be time to update your withholding. Depending on what changed, you could find yourself owing taxes in the following year if you don’t adjust your W-4.”

C.J. Jessup, Manager of Wealth Planning Associates
“If you’re looking to create some financial momentum, start by reviewing how your income might have changed last year and if that affects this year’s budget. Expenses change annually too – eggs aren’t getting any cheaper!”

Tim Steffen, Director of Advanced Planning
“Making retirement plan contributions early in the year allows that tax-deferred growth to start sooner. Waiting until late in the year means missing out on that opportunity.”
For more planning opportunities, check out our Market, Policy and Planning outlook series.